Because of high demand there will be a second Santa Claus Train on Sunday 2nd of December. Trains will run between Minkiö and Jokioinen stations on following time table.
Ticket prices:
- Adults 10 Euros (return ticket Jokioinen-Minkiö or vice versa)
- Children (4-16 years old) 5 Euros (return ticket Jokioinen-Minkiö or vice versa)
- Under 4 year old for free.
The train ticket includes a hot non alholic glögg or a juice and a ginger nut. Santa Claus will also hand out sweets for the kids.
There will be also a tiny Christmas Market at Minkiö station with christmas lights and decorations.
Easy roundtrips!
Bellow are examples of trips that you can make onboard our Santa Claus Trains!
Short Santa Claus Train trips (price 10 euros, children 5 euros):
- Depart Jokioinen at 10.00, 11.25, and at 13.05 for Minkiö and back to Jokioinen.
- Depart Minkiö at 9.25, 10.50, 12.30, and at 14.00 for Jokioinen and back to Minkiö.
Day's Steam Train Timetable
km |
From Minkiö to Jokioinen |
Minkiö depart |
Salminen (x |
Raemäki (x |
Kirkkotie (x |
Jokioinen arrive |
10.50 |
10.57 |
11.01 |
11.08 |
11.12 |
12.30 |
12.37 |
12.41 |
12.48 |
12.52 |
14.00 |
14.07 |
14.11 |
14.18 |
14.22 |
km |
From Jokioinen to Minkiö |
Jokioinen depart |
Kirkkotie (x |
Raemäki (x |
Salminen (x |
Minkiö arrive |
10.00 |
10.03 |
10.10 |
10.14 |
10.22 |
11.25 |
11.28 |
11.35 |
11.39 |
11.47 |
13.05 |
13.08 |
13.15 |
13.19 |
13.27 |
14.35 |
14.38 |
14.45 |
14.49 |
14.57 |
x) Train stops on request on these halts. Please use your hand or a flash light to stop the train when boarding. When getting off the train please inform the guard.
If your display os too narrow you can scroll the table to see all the trains!