Humppila Day
- Title:
- Humppila Day
- When:
- Sun, 12. June 2022, 09:45 - 16:25
- Where:
- Humppila museum railway station - Humppila
- Category:
- Events at Jokioinen Museum Railway
Heritage trains running
As in every summer, museum trains run on the Jokioinen Museum Railway this Sunday as well.
In addition to the trains running, the Minkiö Narrow Gauge Museum is open and you can visit the locomotive sheds. Minkiö Station Café offers snacks and a souvenir shop is open. Humppila station also has a station cafeteria.
The Humppila station area of the museum railway has program for all ages throughout the day: the station park offers a free bouncy castle (weather reservation), a Mölkky game, croquet and a nice get-together, for example having a picnic. On the station's tracks you can try hand car rides. The station’s café is open all day.
There are steam trains running on Humppil Day between Humppila station and the Santavaihde Barbeque and Picknick Place. The first train of the day at arrives Humppila at 9.55 and the last train leaves at 16.20. The price of the pendulum train ride to Santavaihde is 7 e for an adult and 3.5 e for a 4-12 year old child. You can also travel by train on the Jokioinen Museum Railway day ticket.
The day's schedule also includes longer diesel train journeys to Minkiö and Jokioinen according to the museum museum's normal schedule.
In addition to train traffic, Humppila station also has a café and railway equipment on display. The steam locomotive also stands during breaks in front of Humppila station and is on display to the public.
Humppila Day's train timetable
- Last Updated: Thursday, 13 February 2025 23:21
HUMPPILA | 10.25 | 11.00 | 12.00 | 13.10 | 14.05 | 14.55 | 16.05 | |
Kermala | x10.29 | x11.04 | x12.04 | x13.14 | x14.09 | x14.59 | x16.09 | |
Palomäki | x10.34 | x11.09 | x12.09 | x13.19 | x14.14 | x15.04 | x16.14 | |
Santavaihde | x10.36 | x11.11 | x12.11 | x13.21 | x14.16 | x15.06 | x16.16 | |
Vuorela | x10.41 | ... | ... | x13.26 | ... | ... | x16.21 | |
MINKIÖ ← | 10.49 | ... | ... | 13.34 | ... | ... | 16.29 | |
MINKIÖ → | 11.15 | ... | ... | 14.10 | ... | ... | ... | |
Salminen | x11.20 | ... | ... | x14.15 | ... | ... | ... | |
Raemäki | x11.24 | ... | ... | x14.19 | ... | ... | ... | |
Kirkkotie | x11.30 | ... | ... | x14.25 | ... | ... | ... | |
JOKIOINEN | 11.34 | ... | ... | 14.29 | ... | ... | ... | |
JOKIOINEN | ... | ... | ... | 11.45 | ... | ... | 14.40 | |
Kirkkotie | ... | ... | ... | x11.48 | ... | ... | x14.43 | |
Raemäki | ... | ... | ... | x11.53 | ... | ... | x14.48 | |
Salminen | ... | ... | ... | x11.57 | ... | ... | x14.52 | |
MINKIÖ ← | ... | ... | ... | 12.03 | ... | ... | 14.58 | |
MINKIÖ → | 9.45 | ... | ... | 12.25 | ... | ... | 15.20 | |
Vuorela | x9.51 | ... | ... | x12.31 | ... | ... | x15.26 | |
Santavaihde | x9.56 | x11.25 | x12.25 | x12.36 | x14.30 | x15.15 | x15.31 | |
Palomäki | x9.58 | x11.27 | x12.27 | x12.38 | x14.32 | x15.17 | x15.33 | |
Kermala | x10.05 | x11.33 | x12.33 | x12.45 | x14.38 | x15.23 | x15.40 | |
HUMPPILA | 10.10 | 11.39 | 12.39 | 12.50 | 14.44 | 15.29 | 15.45 |
- X) Stopping at halts on request only. Please show a clear stopping sign to the locomotive. If you want to get off the train on halts please inform the Conductor of the train.
- Depart at Humppila: 10.25 (return at 12.51), 13.10 (return at 15.46) and 16.00 (Arrive at Minkiö at 16.24, does not return to Humppila).
- Depart Minkiö for Humppila at: 9.45 (return at 10.49), 12.25 (return at 13.34) and 15.20 (return at 16.24).
- Depart Minkiö for Jokioinen at: 11.15 (return at 12.08) and at 14.10 (return at 14.58).
- Depart Jokioinen at: 11.50 (return at 14.29) and 14.40 (arrive Minkiö at 14.58 and Humppilaan at 15.46, does not return to Jokioinen).
- Published: Sunday, 05 May 2024 16:43
Sunnuntaina 16.6.2024
Jokioinen - Humppila
km |
Juna N:o |
20 | 22 | 32 | 24 | 34 | 26 | 36 | 28 | |
14.2 | Jokioinen..................... | → | 11.40 | 13.15 | 14.35 | |||||
13.3 | Kirkkotie..................... | X 11.43 | X 13.18 | X 14.38 | ||||||
11.3 | Raemäki.................. | X 11.49 | X 13.24 | X 14.44 | ||||||
10.0 | Salminen...................... | X 11.53 | X 13.28 | X 14.48 | ||||||
8.0 | Minkiö................... | ← | 11.59 | 13.34 | 14.54 | |||||
8.0 | Minkiö................... | → | 09.50 | 11.05 | 12.25 | 13.55 | 15.15 | |||
5.6 | Vuorela....................... | X 09.57 | X 11.12 | X 12.32 | X 14.02 | X 15.22 | ||||
4.1 | Santavaihde................... | X 10.02 | X 11.17 | X 12.36 | X 14.06 | X 15.26 | ||||
3.5 | Palomäki................. | X 10.03 | X 11.18 | X 12.38 | X 14.08 | X 15.28 | ||||
1.7 | Kermala....................... | X 10.09 | X 11.24 | X 12.43 | X 14.13 | X 15.33 | ||||
0.3 | Humppila...................... | ← | 10.13 | 11.28 | 12.48 | 14.18 | 15.38 |
Humppila - Jokioinen
km |
Juna N:o |
21 | 31 | 23 | 33 | 25 | 35 | 27 | 29 | |
0.3 | Humppila...................... | → | 10.30 | 11.45 | 13.05 | 14.35 | 15.50 | |||
1.7 | Kermala....................... | X 10.34 | X 11.49 | X 13.09 | X 14.39 | X 15.54 | ||||
3.5 | Palomäki................. | X 10.40 | X 11.55 | X 13.15 | X 14.45 | X 16.00 | ||||
4.1 | Santavaihde................... | X 10.41 | X 11.56 | X 13.16 | X 14.46 | X 16.01 | ||||
5.6 | Vuorela....................... | X 10.46 | X 12.01 | X 13.21 | X 14.51 | X 16.06 | ||||
8.0 | Minkiö................... | ← | 10.53 | 12.08 | 13.28 | 14.58 | 16.13 | |||
8.0 | Minkiö................... | → | 11.10 | 12.40 | 14.00 | |||||
10.0 | Salminen...................... | X 11.16 | X 12.46 | X 14.06 | ||||||
11.3 | Raemäki.................. | X 11.20 | X 12.50 | X 14.10 | ||||||
13.3 | Kirkkotie..................... | X 11.26 | X 12.56 | X 14.16 | ||||||
14.2 | Jokioinen..................... | ← | 11.29 | 12.59 | 14.19 |
If your screen is too narrow, you can scroll the rest of the timetable to appear !
There are extra trains running from Humppila to Santavaihde (Sandpit Spurt) where there is a picnic place.
Trains deprat Humppila for Santavaide at
10.25, 11.00, 12.00, 13.10, 14.05, 14.55 and 16.05 (the last train does not return to Humppila).
Return trips from Santavaihde for Humppila depart at
9.56, 11.25, 12.25, 12.36, 14.30, 15.15 and 15.31.
The roundtrip takes about half an hour. You can also stay at the picnic place and take the next train back. Ticket prices are 7 euros for adults and 3.50 euros for 4-12 year old kids.
→ juna lähtee asemalta. ← juna saapuu asemalle. X pysähtyy tarvittaessa.