Starlight train
- Title:
- Starlight train
- When:
- Sat, 9. September 2023, 13:20 - 22:40
- Where:
- Jokioinen Museum Railway - Jokioinen, Humppila
- Category:
- Events at Jokioinen Museum Railway
The steamtrain is already preparing for winter takes you for one last time through beautiful countryside of Jokioinen. The autumn is approaching and evenings getting cooler but one does not need to feel cold onboard coaches heated with stoves. There is also a possibility to buy hot coffee and tea at Minkiö and Humppila station cáfes.
The trains start running in the afternoon and will run until night. When night falls trains and stations are lit with lanterns and lamps.
- For trains of this day only special Starlight Train tickets are for sale. Ticket prices are 20 € for adults, 10 € for 4-12 years old and under 4 year old travel for free. Tickets are valid throughout the day.
The steam train timetable of the Starligh Train
- Last Updated: Sunday, 06 October 2024 03:49
Turku (läht) | 13.05 | 16.05 | 18.05 | ... | 21.00 | |||
Loimaa (läht) | 13.44 | 16.44 | 18.44 | ... | 21.42 | |||
Tampere (läht) | 12.10 | 16.10 | 18.10 | ... | ... | |||
Toijala (läht) | 12.35 | 16.35 | 18.35 | ... | ... | |||
HUMPPILA | 14.05 | 17.05 | 19.05 | 20.35 | 22.10 | |||
Kermala | x14.10 | x17.10 | x19.10 | x20.40 | x22.15 | |||
Palomäki | x14.18 | x17.18 | x19.18 | x20.48 | x22.23 | |||
Santavaihde | x14.20 | x17.20 | x19.20 | x20.50 | x22.25 | |||
Vuorela | x14.26 | x17.26 | x19.26 | x20.56 | x22.31 | |||
MINKIÖ ← | 14.35 | 17.35 | 19.35 | 21.05 | 22.40 | |||
MINKIÖ → | 14.50 | 18.30 | 20.00 | 21.35 | ... | |||
Salminen | x14.58 | x18.38 | x20.08 | x21.43 | ... | |||
Raemäki | x15.03 | x18.43 | x20.13 | x21.48 | ... | |||
Kirkkotie | x15.11 | x18.51 | x20.21 | x21.56 | ... | |||
JOKIOINEN | 15.15 | 18.55 | 20.25 | 22.00 | ... | |||
JOKIOINEN | ... | 15.25 | ... | 19.05 | 20.35 | 22.10 | ||
Kirkkotie | ... | x15.29 | ... | x19.09 | x20.39 | x22.14 | ||
Raemäki | ... | x15.37 | ... | x19.17 | x20.47 | x22.22 | ||
Salminen | ... | x15.42 | ... | x19.22 | x20.52 | x22.27 | ||
MINKIÖ ← | ... | 15.50 | ... | 19.30 | 21.00 | 22.35 | ||
MINKIÖ → | 13.20 | 16.20 | 18.20 | 19.55 | 21.25 | ... | ||
Vuorela | x13.29 | x16.29 | x18.29 | x20.04 | x21.34 | ... | ||
Santavaihde | x13.35 | x16.35 | x18.35 | x20.10 | x21.40 | ... | ||
Palomäki | x13.37 | x16.37 | x18.37 | x20.12 | x21.42 | ... | ||
Kermala | x13.45 | x16.45 | x18.45 | x20.20 | x21.50 | ... | ||
HUMPPILA | 13.50 | 16.50 | 18.50 | 20.25 | 21.55 | ... | ||
Loimaa (saap) | ... | 17.12 | 19.12 | ... | ... | ... | ||
Turku (saap) | ... | 17.50 | 19.55 | ... | ... | ... | ||
Toijala (saap) | 14.21 | 17.23 | 19.23 | 21.21 | 22.23 | ... | ||
Tampere (saap) | 14.47 | 17.47 | 19.47 | 21.44 | 22.47 | ... |
- X) juna pysähtyy tarvittaessa seisakkeilla. Näytä veturille pysähtymismerkki kädelläsi tai taskulampulla noustessasi junaan ja ilmoitta junan konduktöörille, mikäli haluat jäädä junasta jollain seisaakkeella.
- Lähdöt Humppilasta: klo 14.05 (paluu Jokioisilta klo 16.50), klo 17.05 (paluu Minkiöltä klo 18.50 tai Jokioisilta klo 20.35), klo 20.45 (paluu Minkiöltä klo 21.55), klo 22.10 (Saapuu Minkiölle klo 22.40, ei palaa Humppilaan).
- Lähdöt Minkiöltä Humppilaan: klo 13.20 (paluu klo 14.35), klo 16.20 (paluu klo 17.35), klo 18.20 (paluu klo 19.35), 20.05 (paluu klo 21.15), klo 21.25 (paluu klo 22.40).
- Lähdöt Minkiöltä Jokioisiin: klo 14.50 (paluu klo 15.50), klo 18.30 (paluu klo 19.30), klo 20.00 (paluu klo 21.00), klo 21.35 (paluu klo 22.35).
- Lähdöt Jokioisilta: klo 15.25 (paluu Humppilasta klo 18.55), klo 19.05 (paluu Minkiöltä klo 20.25, Humppilasta klo 22.00), klo 20.35 (paluu Minkiöltä klo 22.00), klo 22.10 (saapuu Minkiölle klo 22.35, ei palaa Jokioisille).
Humppila, Minkiö, and Jokioinen stations and Kermala, Palomäki, Santavaihde, Vuorela, Salminen, Raemäki, and Kirkkotie halts of Jokioinen Museum Railway.