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Steam Trains Operating

Steam Trains Operating
Sun, 7. July 2024, 09:50 - 16:15
Jokioinen Museum Railway - Jokioinen, Humppila
Events at Jokioinen Museum Railway


Steam trains are running between Humppila, Minkiö, and Jokioinen and the Minkiö Station Café as well as the locomotive sheds are open. No hand trolley rental as trains are running. You can find the timetable below.

The trains have covered and two fully open summer carriages, so you can travel in the fresh open air. Ordinary closed passenger coaches are also included with plenty of seating.

Welcome to a nostalgic steam train journey!

Trains will run to the following timetables.

Steam train timetable



Sunnuntaisin 9.6. ja 23.6. sekä 7.7.–28.7.2024

Jokioinen - Humppila


Juna N:o

2 4 6
14.2 Jokioinen..................... 11.45 14.35
13.3 Kirkkotie..................... X 11.48 X 14.38
11.3 Raemäki....................... X 11.54 X 14.44
10.0 Salminen...................... X 11.58 X 14.48
8.0 Minkiö........................ 12.04 14.54
8.0 Minkiö........................ 09.50 12.25 15.15
5.6 Vuorela....................... X 09.57 X 12.32 X 15.22
4.1 Santavaihde................... X 10.02 X 12.36 X 15.26
3.5 Palomäki...................... X 10.03 X 12.38 X 15.28
1.7 Kermala....................... X 10.09 X 12.43 X 15.33
0.3 Humppila...................... 10.13 12.48 15.38

Humppila - Jokioinen


Juna N:o

3 5 7
0.3 Humppila...................... 10.30 13.05 15.50
1.7 Kermala....................... X 10.34 X 13.09 X 15.54
3.5 Palomäki...................... X 10.40 X 13.15 X 16.00
4.1 Santavaihde................... X 10.41 X 13.16 X 16.01
5.6 Vuorela....................... X 10.46 X 13.21 X 16.06
8.0 Minkiö........................ 10.53 13.28 16.13
8.0 Minkiö........................ 11.10 14.00
10.0 Salminen...................... X 11.16 X 14.06
11.3 Raemäki....................... X 11.20 X 14.10
13.3 Kirkkotie..................... X 11.26 X 14.16
14.2 Jokioinen..................... 11.29 14.19
Seisakkeelta junaan noustessa näytä veturille pysähtymismerkki kädellä tai valolla.
→ juna lähtee asemalta. ← juna saapuu asemalle. X pysähtyy tarvittaessa.

For connecting VR train timetables please click here!


Jokioinen Museum Railway
Jokioinen, Humppila
Jokioinen Museum Railway


Humppila, Minkiö, and Jokioinen stations and Kermala, Palomäki, Santavaihde, Vuorela, Salminen, Raemäki, and Kirkkotie halts of Jokioinen Museum Railway.