
Minkiö Farmers' Market

Minkiö Farmers' Market
Sun, 30. June 2024, 09:50 - 16:15
Minkiön station - Minkiö
Events at Jokioinen Museum Railway


Minkiö is the only place in Finland where you can experience an old time countryside market with real steam trains running. The Sunday just in the beginning of July is the time of the traditional Minkiö Farmers' Market. Hundreds of people crowd the market at Minkiö station and ride trains to Humppila and Jokioinen.

Two steam trains operate during the day, which means that there are almost twice as many departures. On this Sunday there are trains in operation from morning to late afternoon.

Attn! Also Humppila station cafe will be open!

We kindly ask you the arrive to Minkiö by trains, as there is very limited parking at Minkiö station. The market is organised by Kiipu Village Association.

Train timetable of Farmers' Market day



Sunnuntaina 30.6.2024

Jokioinen - Humppila


Juna N:o

2 12 4 14 6 16
14.2 Jokioinen..................... 10.30 11.45 13.05 14.35 15.50
13.3 Kirkkotie..................... X 10.33 X 11.48 X 13.08 X 14.38 X 15.53
11.3 Raemäki....................... X 10.39 X 11.54 X 13.14 X 14.44 X 15.59
10.0 Salminen...................... X 10.43 X 11.58 X 13.18 X 14.48 X 16.03
8.0 Minkiö........................ 10.49 12.04 13.24 14.54 16.09
8.0 Minkiö........................ 09.50 11.05 12.25 13.55 15.15
5.6 Vuorela....................... X 09.57 X 11.12 X 12.32 X 14.02 X 15.22
4.1 Santavaihde................... X 10.02 X 11.16 X 12.36 X 14.06 X 15.26
3.5 Palomäki...................... X 10.03 X 11.18 X 12.38 X 14.08 X 15.28
1.7 Kermala....................... X 10.09 X 11.23 X 12.43 X 14.13 X 15.33
0.3 Humppila...................... 10.13 11.28 12.48 14.18 15.38

Humppila - Jokioinen


Juna N:o

11 3 13 5 15 7
0.3 Humppila...................... 10.30 11.45 13.05 14.35 15.50
1.7 Kermala....................... X 10.34 X 11.49 X 13.09 X 14.39 X 15.54
3.5 Palomäki...................... X 10.40 X 11.55 X 13.15 X 14.45 X 16.00
4.1 Santavaihde................... X 10.41 X 11.56 X 13.16 X 14.46 X 16.01
5.6 Vuorela....................... X 10.46 X 12.01 X 13.21 X 14.51 X 16.06
8.0 Minkiö........................ 10.53 12.08 13.28 14.58 16.13
8.0 Minkiö........................ 10.00 11.10 12.30 14.00 15.20
10.0 Salminen...................... X 10.06 X 11.16 X 12.36 X 14.06 X 15.26
11.3 Raemäki....................... X 10.10 X 11.20 X 12.40 X 14.10 X 15.30
13.3 Kirkkotie..................... X 10.16 X 11.26 X 12.46 X 14.16 X 15.36
14.2 Jokioinen..................... 10.19 11.29 12.49 14.19 15.39
Seisakkeelta junaan noustessa näytä veturille pysähtymismerkki kädellä tai valolla.
→ juna lähtee asemalta. ← juna saapuu asemalle. X pysähtyy tarvittaessa.

For connecting VR train timetables please click here!


Minkiön station
Kiipuntie 49
Minkiön station