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Minkiö Veteran Car Day and Opening of the Season

Minkiö Veteran Car Day and Opening of the Season
Sun, 9. June 2024, 09:50 - 16:15
Jokioinen Museum Railway - Jokioinen, Humppila
Events at Jokioinen Museum Railway


The opening Sunday of the museum railway's operating season has been a gathering event for old automobile enthusiasts for nearly twenty years. The veteran automobiles are welcome again this year at Minkiö station!

The Jokioinen Museum Railway offers two free tickets on the museum train (the ticket can be used at any time during the summer of 2024) and a cup of coffee for two people for every vintage car left on display in the museum parking lot. Please also bring a sign that introduces the car.

Train timetable for the day



Sunnuntaisin 9.6. ja 23.6. sekä 7.7.–28.7.2024

Jokioinen - Humppila


Juna N:o

2 4 6
14.2 Jokioinen..................... 11.45 14.35
13.3 Kirkkotie..................... X 11.48 X 14.38
11.3 Raemäki....................... X 11.54 X 14.44
10.0 Salminen...................... X 11.58 X 14.48
8.0 Minkiö........................ 12.04 14.54
8.0 Minkiö........................ 09.50 12.25 15.15
5.6 Vuorela....................... X 09.57 X 12.32 X 15.22
4.1 Santavaihde................... X 10.02 X 12.36 X 15.26
3.5 Palomäki...................... X 10.03 X 12.38 X 15.28
1.7 Kermala....................... X 10.09 X 12.43 X 15.33
0.3 Humppila...................... 10.13 12.48 15.38

Humppila - Jokioinen


Juna N:o

3 5 7
0.3 Humppila...................... 10.30 13.05 15.50
1.7 Kermala....................... X 10.34 X 13.09 X 15.54
3.5 Palomäki...................... X 10.40 X 13.15 X 16.00
4.1 Santavaihde................... X 10.41 X 13.16 X 16.01
5.6 Vuorela....................... X 10.46 X 13.21 X 16.06
8.0 Minkiö........................ 10.53 13.28 16.13
8.0 Minkiö........................ 11.10 14.00
10.0 Salminen...................... X 11.16 X 14.06
11.3 Raemäki....................... X 11.20 X 14.10
13.3 Kirkkotie..................... X 11.26 X 14.16
14.2 Jokioinen..................... 11.29 14.19
Seisakkeelta junaan noustessa näytä veturille pysähtymismerkki kädellä tai valolla.
→ juna lähtee asemalta. ← juna saapuu asemalle. X pysähtyy tarvittaessa.

If your screen is narrow, you can scroll to see the rest of the timetable!

if you are coming by VR train, you can see the train connections here!


Jokioinen Museum Railway
Jokioinen, Humppila
Jokioinen Museum Railway


Humppila, Minkiö, and Jokioinen stations and Kermala, Palomäki, Santavaihde, Vuorela, Salminen, Raemäki, and Kirkkotie halts of Jokioinen Museum Railway.