December 14. Now at the beginning of the week we have left Forssa towards Jokioinen. Along the way we meet a homemade motor trolley, but not a train. The place is a wooded straight from the Forssa racetrack towards Jokioinen. The trolley is probably quite close to the current Fingrid power plant.
The trolley was built on a push cart by young museum railway volunteers. The power source was a motorcycle engine. The trolley was used when there was no train traffic on the railway. The story tells that once a group of volunteers ordered a taxi to a restaurant in Jokioinen and asked the taxi driver to drive to the train station. When the driver turned onto Humppila Road, those in the taxi shouted that it was not Humppila but Jokioinen railway station they wanted to go to. The driver did his work as instructed and reportedly his chin dropped as the volunteers jumped on the motortrolley at the Jokioinen station, started the engine and headed for Forssa.
Most of the trolley parts are still stored at the Jokioinen Museum Railway, but most likely it will never run again.