The nineteenth day of December. Now from the previous picture we go less than a hundred meters Towards Minkiö station on the other side of Kiipuntie and the driveway of then Minkiö station Health Center. It is a clear and sunny winter day again, but there is a feeling of the end in the air, as the subject of this picture is the last freight train of the Jokioinen railway from Humppila to Forssa on March 29, 1974.
There is a lot of snow and Minkiö station is full of enthusiasts with cameras capturing the end of the traffic at Jokioinen railway. There are photographers beside the track and one has even climbed on the roof of the first box car of the stationary train. At that time, no one probably believed that in 47 years there would be a fine workshop building behind the train and Jokioinen Museum Railway will have four running steam locomotives, slightly more diesel locomotives and several dozen passenger and freight cars in use.
One era at Minkiö station ends with the picture, but another era continues. The one that began in the early 1970s in Forssa. Museum railway operations in Finland will turn 50 years next year. In the summer it will be exactly 50 years since the first museum train ran in Finland.