My Humppila Day is celebrated on the last Saturday of August and the steam trains will start running already at 10:25, when the first train of the day will leave Minkiö for Humppila.

There are guide tours (in Finnnish) leaving Humppila station at 11:00 and 14:00. With the tours you will visit the cultural sites and hoistory of Humppila. My Humppila day is organised by Kulttuuriyhdistys Kuvio ry and LounaPlussa ry.
At the same time at the old windmill there will be Humppila Harvest Market.
At Minkiö station there is a cosy summer café and one can visit the narrow gauge museum. At the Café one can by fresh coffee and icecream, etc.
Welcome to enjoy the last saturday of August together with us!