The operations of the Museum Railway Association, which maintains the Jokioinen Museum Railway Association, are based on the voluntary work done by the members of the association. In addition to train ticket revenues, our operations are financed with grants and donations.

The museum railway will continue to operate during the winter, even if the trains are not running. During the winter and spring, the Loviisa-Wesijärvi railway conductor and III class passenger car number 52, Schöma diesel locomotive and steam locomotives will be repaired on the museum railway. In addition, the Loviisa-Wesijärvi railway Ljusne-Voxna motor trolley and the Jokioinen railway moped dresin are under renovation. The lights in the Minkiö workshop also need to be repaired, as more than 75% of the old fluorescent lights have broken down. During the winter, the ceiling of teh Humppila station has also been insulated and the floors on the ground floor of the workshop building have been washed mechanically. During the summer, the track work and changing of sleepers of the Humppila-Jokioinen line will continue. In addition, a project has been started to build or acquire a rail motor bus for the Jokioinen Museum Railway.
In addition to the voulntary work, money is needed to do all this. We have applied for grants for many projects, but in most cases the Museum Railway Association itself has to pay 40% - 25% of the funding.
We are once again asking the friends of the Museum Railway to help us to finish our projects with honor. Even a small donation is significant when there are enough donors. For example, if 1,000 people donate € 5 each, it will add up to € 5,000. There is power in the crowd!
The Museum Railway Association has received permission from the police authority to raise funds to finance the association's diverse activities and the preservation of cultural heritage. In addition to individuals, companies and organizations can also choose to support our operations.
In addition, you can support our activities by telling your friends about the Museum Railway and, of course, traveling on our museum train. Revenue from museum train journeys is our main source of income to fund our operations.
Donations can be directed to the Museum Railway bank account:
- Museorautatieyhdistys ry.
- IBAN: FI63 5080 0620 0613 68
- Recipient of the fundraising permit: Museorautatieyhdistys ry., Kiipuntie 49, 31630 MINKIÖ
- Purpose of the funds: The funds received as a donation will be used for the maintenance of the museum railway track, locomotives, wagons and buildings, as well as for the preservation of the Finnish railway cultural heritage in the form of a living museum.
- Permit number: RA/2020/523