Christmas is approaching and it's time again for the traditional Museum Jokioinen Museum Railway Christmas card. The Christmas card is again made by PTJ Koskinen, one of the steam locomotive drivers of the museum railway. Like always, the card is very relevant.

In 2023, the Jokioinen Museum Railway received a 50,000 euro subsidy from the Parliament's Christmas funds for the renovation of the steam locomotive LWR 6. The money was used to purchase new tubes, superheater elements and valve parts for the locomotive. A few weeks ago, another 20,000 euro Christmas gift came from Parliament, which can be used to replace the tubes and superheater elements of the locomotive.

A big thank you also to everyone who donated to the LWR-6 locomotive renovation project! Donations from private individuals for the locomotive renovation have already reached almost 7,000 euros! Without your great help, the locomotive renovation would not be possible!

In this year's Christmas card, the LWR 6 steam locomotive peeks out from the Minkiö shop and Santa Claus and his elves are bringing new tubes to the shop. The locomotive's smoke box door is already open and the old tubes have apparently been removed. The tubes still need to be fitted in place.

Santa is arriving with his carriage full of locomotive tubes in front of Minkiö shop.
Museum Railway Association and Jokioinen Museum Railway are wishing Merry Christmas and Peaceful New Year 2025. Drawing: PTJ Koskinen 2024.