Christmas is approaching and it's time again for the traditional Museum Jokioinen Museum Railway Christmas card. The Christmas card is again made by PTJ Koskinen, one of the steam locomotive drivers of the museum railway. Like always, the card is very relevant....

The traditional Santa Claus Train will run again on the first weekend of December, December 7-8. On Saturday, December 7, the steam locomotive-drawn Santa Claus Train will operate between Jokioinen and Minkiö and on Sunday, December 8, between Humppila and Minkiö. During the round trip, which takes just over an hour, you can enjoy the authentic atmosphere of a narrow-gauge steam train....

Today it will be 50 years since the last freight train of the Jokioinen railway ran from Forssa to Humppila and back. The last train arrived at Forssa station on March 29, 1974, pulled by steam locomotive number 4 Tubize. The text "Ohi on" (It's all over) was written on the side of the locomotive. After the traffic day, Tubize was driven inside the Forssa locomotive depot for the last time, and the story of the Jokioinen railway ended. In April, the dismantling of the track and scrapping of the rolling stock began....

Christmas is approaching and it's time again for the traditional Museum Jokioinen Museum Railway Christmas card. The Christmas card is again made by PTJ Koskinen, one of the steam locomotive drivers of the museum railway. Like always, the card is very relevant....

In the autumn, the Museum Railway Association, which runs the Jokioinen Museum Railway, started a fundraising campaign to collect money to renovate and keep the steam locomotive LWR 6, Helga, in running condition. Built in 1909, Helga is the oldest Finnish-made locomotive in running condition....

Jokioinen Railway turns 125 years old this year. The railway was opened to traffic on December 9, 1898. However trains have been already runing on the track under construction before. The main owner of the railway company was the Jokioinen manor and the railway was built to meet the industrial needs of Jokioinen and Forssa, as the Turku-Toijala state railway did not connect to Jokioinen and Forssa but Humppila....

Christmas is approaching and it's time again for the traditional Museum Jokioinen Museum Railway Christmas card. The Christmas card was again made by PTJ Koskinen, one of the steam locomotive drivers of the museum railway. Like always, the card is very relevant this year....

The traditional Santa Claus Train will be runing again on the first weekend of December 3/12 - 4/12. This year the Santa Claus Train pulled by a steam locomotive will run on Saturday, December 3 Between Jokioinen and Minkiö and on Sunday, December 4 between Humppila and Minkiö. The round trip takes about an hour and lets you to enjoy the magic of Christmas....

Humppila Day is celebrated in Humppila on the second Sunday in June. Then in addition to the normal Humppila-Jokioinen museum train, special trains run from Humppila station to the Santavaihte Barbeque Place. You can stay over there while grilling and return on the next train....

The operations of the Museum Railway Association, which maintains the Jokioinen Museum Railway Association, are based on the voluntary work done by the members of the association. In addition to train ticket revenues, our operations are financed with grants and donations....

Christmas is getting closer and it is the time of the traditional Museum Railway Association's Christmas card. The Christmas card has been made like before by PTJ Koskinen, a steam locomotive driver on the museum railway. This years christmas card has less a winter scenery even this years Santa Claus train was running in a real winter weather with snow and up to -18 C....

On Saturday 21.8. The Museum Railway celebrates its 50th birthday. Finland's first museum train was run on 21 August 1971 from Forssa to Humppila....

Do you want to help Steam Locomotive "Sohvi" to get new water tanks? The steam locomotive "Sohvi", a hard worker on the museum railway, was delivered from the Tampereen Pellava- ja Rautateollisuus Oy's (Tampella) workshop at the end of December 1917. Construction work on the locomotive had already begun during the tsarist rule of Finland, but due to the 1917 strikes Sohvi was delayed and was delivered after Finland got independent. Sohvi made her active career on the Hyvinkää-Karkkila railway, where it hauled trains in 1918-1967. In 1969, the locomotive was moved to Forssa and the idea for the Museum Railway had been born....

We have sad news: this year’s Santa Claus Train has been canceled due to the current Covid-19 situation and related restrictions. Traditionally, Santa's train has had a lot of passengers and at times even a packed atmosphere and for this reason we are not able to guarantee adequate safety clearances. We want to act responsibly and ensure the safety of both our customers and our support staff....

In September, public events and general meetings for up to 50 people can be held indoors and in regionally delimited outdoor spaces if safety can be ensured in accordance with the instructions of Finnish Institute of health and wellfare and the Ministry of Education and Culture. The tightening of restrictions is necessary because the epidemiological situation in Finland has changed in an unfavorable direction and the number of detected COVID-19 cases has increased during August....

The museum railway summer café opened its doors today. And of course we are observing adequate social distancing. In addition to coffee, e.g. ice cream, sweets, potato chips t and souvenirs are available in a sympathetic setting. The café is open Mon-Fri 11-18 and Sat-Sun 10-17....

The Museum Railway's hand car season starts on Friday, May 15, after which you can go on a hand car tour every day of the week until the end of June. In May, the size of groups will be limited to 8 people due to gathering restrictions....

The spring charter train season of Jokioinen Museum Railway has been canceled due to the prevailing coronavirus situation! In addition, the starting date of the summer operation season is currently unclear and summer events or schedules cannot be confirmed at this stage....

The new Humppila station will be opened on coming Sunday the 9.6. 2019. At the same time it will be almost exactly 25 years since the first museum trains rolled in Humppila after the newly rebuilt Minkiö-Humppila line was opened for traffic on 5.6.1994....

Last week a new station building for Humppila station was transported from Riippa in Norhern Finland. It is a type of building that was very common hundred years ago at smaller railway stations in Finland. Moving of the building took four full days....

Today will be 120 years of opening the Jokioinen railway to temporary traffic. Actual traffic had been already started as soon as rails reached Forssa and the Chief of Operations Mr H.Korkonen had been named in mid July 1898....

Because of high demand the Santa Claus Train will be runing for a second day on Sunday the 2nd of December. The Santa train will run between Minkiö and Jokioinen Stations. Timetables of this train will be shortly published....

The traditional Santa Claus Train is coming to town on the 1st of December. The steam train of Santa Claus and a diesel hauled train of elves are both operating between Jokioinen and Humppila....

My Humppila Day is celebrated on the last Saturday of August and the steam trains will start running already at 10:25, when the first train of the day will leave Minkiö for Humppila....

It is again time for the Minkiö Steam Festival! The Festival will be held at the Minkiö station on the last weekend of July on 28.-29.7....

It is again time for Minkiö Farmers' Market. Tables fill with interesting thingsto buy and steam trains are bringing people to the market. Minkiö station is full of market spirit and sounds of steam locomotives!...

This summer there is a photography exhibition of a photographer Mathias Luther at the Minkiö Station of Jokioinen Museum Railway. The exhibition is about people behind the musuem railway....

The first charter trains of thi spring ran in summer heat. On Tuesday 15.5. there were several charter trains running between Minkiö and Jokioinen for pre school and daycare groups. Because of very hot and dry conditions some precaution had to be taken to avoid grass fires....

You can meet Jokioinen Museum Railway at Tampere Trave Fair on 20.-22.4. We will be at Forssa region stand and ready to talk with you!...

According to the statistics of year 2017 a total of 825 trains operated on the track of Jokioinen Museum Railway. This is the highest number of trains ever operated at Jokioinen Museum railway. This means that during operating season an average of four trains were ran every day. Out of the total number of trains 346 were related to passenger traffic, 375 were work trains and 104 other trains, like track inspection trains or moving empty carriages between stations....

Timetables for year 2018 are now published. Timetables and events follow the pattern of previous years. The biggest change is that in August 2018 the trains will run on Saturdays instead of Sunday....

On Saturday the 2.12. both 100 years of Finland and 100 years of the steam locomotive HKR5 Sohvi was celebrated at the Jokioinen Museum Railway. The weather was more than perfect with a fresh coat of snow and everybody seemed to have a great time. Thank you for everybody for a great 100 years party!...

The new online webshop of Jokioinen Museum Railway is now open. You can visit the new shop by clicking the link: kauppa.jokioistenmuseorautatie.fi....

On the coming Sunday 2.7. with the people swarming the traditional Minkiö Farmers' Market, steam locomotie buffing and a vintage diesel locomotive mouring a new art exhibiton will open up at the old Minkiö Station goods shed. The Exhibition has a collection of works of PTJ Koskinen, one of the steam locomotive engineers of Jokioinen Museum Railway....

The first charter train of this spring was running in sunny weather on Tuesday May 16 2017. The train was carrying a group of enthusiastic kindergarten children spotting all kind of animals alongside of the track. They did se at least hares, a deer, seagulls and a cat, but nobody saw a pheasant. Children were also admiring a cloud coming out of the steam locomotive and following the train just outside carriage windows all the voyage!...

237/5000 The Museum Railroad Association, which maintains the Jokioinen Museum Railway, received very good news from the Ministry of Education and Culture on Wednesday 3.5: Minister Sanni Grahn-Laasonen had granted a grant of EUR 25,000 for the continuation of the track renovation of the museum railway....

Willimieli, the co-operation partenr of Jokioinen Museum Railway will again host handcar tours this summer!
Come and taste the old days of railroaders at Willimieli's handcar trip on Jokioinen Museum Railway! On a trip we jump on the hand car and skim the muscular force into the trackwork of old-fashioned style! After pumping the hadcar the veined muscles get into real action when we put the shovels, hacks, and limbs to swing to change railway sleepers. After changing a few sleepers, we enjoy the old time box lunch and pump our handcars back to Minkiö, where everyone will get a diplomas of the work well done. After that, we will have a guided tour at Minkiö station and steal locomotive sheds....

Santa thanks onece more everybody travelling with santa trains. The weather was really Christmas like with the snow and shining sun. At Minkiö tehre was a tiny christmas market and everybody could get hot drinks and ginger bread at the station cafe....

The traditional and infamous star light train will be running again on Saturday the 10th of September. Steam trains are running from early morning until late night. The stoves of carraiges will be lit as well as lights and oil lamps when the evengin turns to night. The summer season of Jokioinen Museum Railway will end with a traditional fire works show at Minkiö station about 9:15 PM, after which the last steam trains will depart to take people back to Humppila and Jokioinen. After this the trains return to Minkiö and summer is officially over....

The Minkiö Harvest Market has its rebirth and new coming! The local Kiipu Village Association will organize a real countryside market at minkiö station. You will for example find fresh vegatbles and berries for sale....

Minkiö Steam festival is now over for this year. At Minkiö there was real old time feeling when stationary steam engines and steam trains were running, air was full of steam, smoke of wood fire and the sound of steam engines. Even the fact that forecasts were predicting rain did not harm, as the weekend turned out with mostly sunny weather!...

It is again time for the Minkiö Steam Festival! The Festival will be held at the Minkiö station on the last weekend of July on 30.-31.7....

In the mid July on Sunday 17.7. there are two trains running at Jokioinen Museum Railway. On that day you have more trains to choose and you can even spot two trains at the Minkiö station!...

It is again time for Minkiö Farmers' Market. Tables fill with interesting thingsto buy and steam trains are bringing people to the market. Minkiö station is full of market spirit and sounds of steam locomotives!...

It is time of the Midsummer Magic. Sunday the 26th of June has its magic, as two adults or two 6-16 years old kids travel in price of one! To make the magic work you need to bring a dandelion or another (not protected) wild flower to the ticket sales of the station when purchasing a ticket....

The scheduled steam train traffic of Jokioinen Museum Railway will start on Sunday 5.6. The first train will depart at 10.25 and the trains will run all the day according to our timetable. For more information and the timetables please visit our event Event Calendar!...
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