
Minkiö Harvest Market

Minkiö Harvest Market
la, 12. elokuu 2023, 09:50 - 16:15
Jokioisten Museorautatie - Jokioinen, Humppila
Events at Jokioinen Museum Railway
Minkiö Harvest Market


Minkiö Harvest Market

Market tables with fresh vegatables and other things to buy. Nice countryside market feeling. Come and visit a real local summer market with steam trains running by!

You can get to the market easily by steam train from Jokioinen and Humppila.

info- Market is organized by the Kiipu Village Association.

Steam trains are running between Humppila, Minkiö, and Jokioinen and the Minkiö Station Café as well as the locomotive sheds are open. No hand trolley rental as trains are running. You can find the timetable below.


During the day, the Hämeenlinna duo Sini & Simi is also performing for visitors at the Minkiö Harvest Market. They are playing at 12:00-12:30 and 13:30-14:00. At 13:10-13:25 stand-up comedian Marju-Nella from Jokioinen will perform. The harvest market is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Train timetable of the day

Due to the epidemic situation, changes in the timetables are possible! Always check the timetables here before the train journey!



Lauantaisin 3.–24.8.2024

Jokioinen - Humppila


Juna N:o

2 4 6
14.2 Jokioinen..................... 11.45 14.35
13.3 Kirkkotie..................... X 11.48 X 14.38
11.3 Raemäki....................... X 11.54 X 14.44
10.0 Salminen...................... X 11.58 X 14.48
8.0 Minkiö........................ 12.04 14.54
8.0 Minkiö........................ 09.50 12.25 15.15
5.6 Vuorela....................... X 09.57 X 12.32 X 15.22
4.1 Santavaihde................... X 10.02 X 12.36 X 15.26
3.5 Palomäki...................... X 10.03 X 12.38 X 15.28
1.7 Kermala....................... X 10.09 X 12.43 X 15.33
0.3 Humppila...................... 10.13 12.48 15.38

Humppila - Jokioinen


Juna N:o

3 5 7
0.3 Humppila...................... 10.30 13.05 15.50
1.7 Kermala....................... X 10.34 X 13.09 X 15.54
3.5 Palomäki...................... X 10.40 X 13.15 X 16.00
4.1 Santavaihde................... X 10.41 X 13.16 X 16.01
5.6 Vuorela....................... X 10.46 X 13.21 X 16.06
8.0 Minkiö........................ 10.53 13.28 16.13
8.0 Minkiö........................ 11.10 14.00
10.0 Salminen...................... X 11.16 X 14.06
11.3 Raemäki....................... X 11.20 X 14.10
13.3 Kirkkotie..................... X 11.26 X 14.16
14.2 Jokioinen..................... 11.29 14.19
Seisakkeelta junaan noustessa näytä veturille pysähtymismerkki kädellä tai valolla.
→ juna lähtee asemalta. ← juna saapuu asemalle. X pysähtyy tarvittaessa.

If your screen is narrow, you can scroll the rest of the schedule!

If you are coming by VR train you can see the train connections here!


Jokioisten Museorautatie
Jokioinen, Humppila
Jokioisten Museorautatie


Jokioisten Museorautatien Humppilan, Minkiön ja Jokioisten asemat sekä radan seisakkeet: Kermala, Palomäki, Santavaihde, Vuorela, Salminen, Raemäki ja Kirkkotie.