Christmas is approaching and it's time again for the traditional Museum Jokioinen Museum Railway Christmas card. The Christmas card was again made by PTJ Koskinen, one of the steam locomotive drivers of the museum railway. Like always, the card is very relevant this year.
In 2022, The Covid pandemic started to be behind us, but the world was drawn into new crises. At Minkiö depot at the heart of the winter, the museum railway's loyal workhorse, the steam locomotive No. 5 built in December 1917 for the former Hyvinkää—Karkkila railway, has nevertheless decided to pull against.
The artist himself explains the starting idea for the card was a strong man train pulling competition in Minkiö last summer. Then he had to get Ukrainian children to have fun of the problem of dictators, finally the grip slipped a littlöe bit. In the background there is Ukrainian-born Ilja Repin's, who also lived in Finland, painting Barge Haulers on the Volga, where enslaved Russians haule a barge on river Volga. Finnish cartoonist Kari once drew a picture based on the same painting of barge haulers in which Eastern European countries were pulling Soviet leaders.